Peace Lily with 4.5 " ceramic pot included
Dieffenbachia plant with 4.5 inches ceramic pot included
Pothos Golden with 4.5 inches ceramic pot included
Money tree with 4.5 ceramic pot included
Chinese Money plant with 4.5 inches ceramic pot included
Money tree with 7" ceramic pot included
Snake plant with 6.5 " cement pot included
ZZ plant with 6.5" ceramic pot included
Bromaid plant, 6" pot
Prayer plant with 4.5 inches ceramic pot included
Calathea plant with 4.5" cement pot included
Ginseng (Ficus Microcarpa) Bonsai, 6" with cement pot included
Monstera plant, 6" pot
Ficus Benjamina plant , 6" pot
String of Turtles, 4" pot
Pothos Golden, 8" pot
Ginseng (Ficus Microcarpa) Bonsai with 20" cement pot, Tall : 3.5 Ft
Peace Lily with 6.5" cement pot